Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Pet Peeves

Pet Peeves
1.      I can’t stand when people chew gum like a horse. Sorry buddy but you’re a human and we chew with our mouths closed.
2.      I hate when freshman stand in the middle of the hallways and talk. We’re in high school… most of us have places to be and classes to get to but no worries we won’t interrupt because no one can even get by the crowd of socializers.
3.      I really don’t like when the light in my hallway upstairs has two light switches at the ends of the hall and one of them is upside down when the light is actually off.
4.      One of my biggest pet peeves is when people judge. Why judge someone when there are plenty of things people could judge you about?
5.      I really don t like when people especially a friend or sibling, drink directly out of a bottle of juice or carton of milk from the fridge.
6.      I can’t share a glass of milk with ANYONE. I don’t care who you are to me, I will not share my cup of milk with you and if you take a sip of it, you can have it because I won’t drink the rest of it.
7.      I’m not even a driver yet, and it already drives me nuts when drivers don’t use their turn signals or blinkers. If you need to make a turn, use the blinker. That’s what it was made for…
8.      What really bothers me is jello. Most of my friends know that I strongly dislike everything about jell so when people slurp it, it gives me the chills.
9.      It really annoys me when people make a mistake and cant own up to it and admit that they were wrong so they still blame someone for their wrongdoing. You made the mistake, you need to fix it and not prolong it by putting it on someone else.
10.  Not only a pet peeve of mine but a risk of my safety when people text and drive while I’m in the car with them. I will yell at you to put your phone down whether you’re texting or just reading a message. It’s all the same thing to me when you pick up your phone while driving.
11.  People that snoop in your business or try to look at your phone while you’re in the middle of texting someone. Obviously I have nothing to hide at all, I’ll show you everything that’s on my phone if you ask me to but if you’re trying really hard to snoop without saying anything a word then we might have a problem.
12.  I really don’t like when the big mirror in my bedroom is dirty with finger prints, dust and gross stuff.
13.  When kids in school never do their homework and always try to copy it off of someone. I mean I guess it’s alright if it only happens once in a while but clearly if you don’t do your work ever, no one should keep doing it for your lazy self.  

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